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Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies - BIGSAS

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Mini Workshop Series

The Mini-Workshop Series is a new format of the portfolio Early Career & Equal Opportunity. It is starting this winter semester with an introduction on Monday, 24 October 2022, 2-3 pm.

The format is meant to accommodate the necessity of smaller ‘hands-on’-workshops that can benefit the participants immediately after for their academic work. The series is organised by the coordinator of EC & EO, Dr Christine Scherer in dialogue with the BIGSAS task-force guided by Michelle Heese, and individual Junior Fellows who bring in their wishes and individual Senior Fellows who are willing to offer their hands-on experiences, skills and knowledge in an interactive peer-learning manner.

It takes place Mondays or Tuesdays, depending on the lecturer’s availability. As the ‘Mini'-Workshop format suggests, lecturers dedicate three hours of their time and participants receive either online, hybrid or in presence (as indicated in the programme) hands-on information.

The format is also intended as a work-in-progress and learning format where senior and junior academics can contribute and give insights into a diversity of (practical) aspects of academic work. Thus, this series is an organically growing joint endeavour that – in the end – benefits mutual learning in our work context.

More information, schedule, and link to the corresponding elearning course HERE (PDF).

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